Men's Hormone Therapy

Hormone Replacement Therapy

Hormone Therapy for Men


Hormones play a significant role in our body’s functions, and as we age, our hormone levels will decline and fluctuate naturally. Although it is a natural process, it can have severe consequences and side effects on our health if left untreated.

Hormone imbalance is often the culprit behind many of the chronic diseases and conditions that affect our “aging” population today. Things like inflammation, heart disease, cancers, Type II diabetes, osteoporosis, depression, and other health issues may result from years of hormone imbalance and deficiencies in essential nutrients. Our team has become certified in the EvexiPEL method, a superior approach to optimizing hormones.

We want to help you find balance, and doing so means you need a customized approach that takes into consideration your unique symptoms, lifestyle, and much more! We’ll work hard to discover the root cause of your health issues and together, formulate a treatment plan that works for you.


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Bio-identical hormone replacement therapy is a safer, natural alternative to synthetic hormone replacement therapies. We utilize the EvexiPEL method, which implements subcutaneous bio-identical hormone pellets that come from natural, plant-based substances. Unlike synthetic hormones, the structure of the bio-identical hormone – testosterone, estrogen, or both – most closely matches each patient’s individual needs.

Since they come from nature, plant-based hormones metabolize in the body and leave nothing behind.

As certified EvexiPEL providers, we will assess your health concerns, symptoms, and can even provide same-day treatment if you’re ready! During your appointment, your EvexiPEL provider will walk you through the steps, what to expect, and insert your pellet, which will only take a few minutes.

Hormone optimization is just as unique as every patient so results will vary, but typically patients report symptom relief within 2-4 weeks, and full optimization can be achieved around 6 months. Your provider will discuss necessary follow-up appointments as well as future insertion appointments. On average patients receive 3-4 pellets a year—giving you a long-lasting approach to hormonal imbalance!


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